All stories tagged with "internet"

LIFE photo archive on the web

The LIFE magazine photo archive (millions of photos), most never published before, is now available online, for free. A teat for some of us (I still have old copies of LIFE magazine!). And we have Google to thank for it. I wish the images had better captions, and were better organized… but then I am glad that they are available at all. So you can see gems like this or or this(must enlarge and see).
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1 minute read | 79 words

#photography, #internet

Refusing to serve underage customers?

If you were running a bar, would you refuse to serve an underage customer? Would you make systems to prevent the serving of alcohol to children? How about if you sold cigarettes in your store? What about adult content – either in your store or on your website? What if you were a social networking site? Would you do something to prevent the eight-year-olds from registering? I know all of these are not exact parallels, but the fundamental idea is the same.
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2 minute read | 305 words

#comment, #internet

E-mail newsletter sold for $125 million?

Aimed at stylish women, Daily Candy is being bought by Comcast Corp for an estimated $125 million. According to Daily Candy “delivers more than 2.5 million e-mail subscriptions through local editions in 12 key U.S. cities, including Philadelphia and New York”. Is $50 per “loyal subscriber” a good price? “We’re trying to build a large presence online as more and more of our customers look to the Web for entertainment and content.
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1 minute read | 111 words

#media, #internet

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